Sunday, January 08, 2006

A Bad Year for Movies

So 2005 was one of the worst years in Hollywood movie-making history. I'm sure you remember not going to see any movies this past summer and are not looking forward to watching the Oscars. If you've listened to the radio, watched a TV, or read a magazine lately, I'm sure you've heard that the award-winning film this year is supposed to be Brokeback Mountain.
The fact that Ang Lee's new movie is supposed to be the award winner this year is a testament to just how bad 2005 was for Hollywood movie-making. The film is about two cowboys that fall in love with one another and have a covert homosexual relationship over the span of twenty years. Unfortunately, you cannot understand much of the dialogue; Jake Gyllenhal is unconvincing as a rough cowboy; and the sound and film editing are atrocious. The film is based on a short story by Annie Proulx that should never have been adapted for the big-screen.
As expected, the conservative Christians are boycotting the film on moral grounds because it depicts homosexuals. The fact that the film is about a gay couple and the difficulties they face in expressing their love for one another is the one redeeming quality about the film. Avoid the film because it is simply a bad movie, not because you may feel uncomfortable watching a story about gay people. Isn't one of the main functions of art to challenge our view of the world?
Shame on the Conservative Christians for once again remaining so close-minded and shame on Ang Lee for not doing justice to what should have been a heart-wrenching story.


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